I literally couldn’t wait to get home and edit this session when I left the Rick abode on Tuesday morning. Everything about the session {that I may or may not have stressed about the night before} went perfectly.
Please meet Baby Ezra. The most handsome baby boy around. Who also just melts your heart…and who will have you raging with baby fever. He was the sweetest boy, and slept almost the entire time. I kept saying over and over again how I’d love to be that age for a day. To sleep, eat, {and poop} and not have a care in the world. Once you see the photos of him sleeping, like his daddy said, “he’s just so peaceful looking”.
Brooke and Anthony are the youth leaders at the church I attend, and are two incredible people. Thank you both for letting me hang out with your beautiful family! Silas is the best big brother!
Simone T Roy - What a blessing!!! Anthony, don’t forget to give Brooke pampering and rest time. Brooke take it easy, i know far to well how it could be overwhelming at time. A beautiful family, stay blesses!!!!
Chelsea Hannah Jacobs - HOW did I not see these?! They are so perfect!!